Who . . . What . . . Why


Art enables us find ourselves
and to lose ourselves
at the same time.
Thomas Merton

Hi. My name is Tommy B. McDonell, note one n and two lls. I have chosen to put Leap4ArtNYC first then my name. You see, no one, not even companies that bill me, can spell my name correctly.

There is a lot of information about me on this website. But first things first. I am a mixed media artist living and working in NC. The first painting I ever did by myself was in NYC in 2007. When I moved to NC in 2008, I entered it in judged show at the Arts Council of Moore County in Southern Pines, NC. To my surprise, I won an honorable mention. You would have thought I won the lotto.

I have been painting ever since, or as much as I can. I have taken classes with a variety of artists and in a variety of mediums. Mixed Media makes me feel welcome. Some of my mixed media has a lot of alcohol ink in them. Rarely, however, is the entire painting all ink any more. You may read about this later.

In the last few years I have done online classes with Jodi Ohl, Seth Apter, or I have watched classes on You Tube. I experiment daily. Sometimes I post these photos on my Instagram and/or Facebook pages (@leap4artnyc), or sometimes I write about it on my own page. I am self taught for the most part during the last three years, other than perhaps to ask someone how do use xyz that I don’t remember.

My website is designed by Nate Vaughan. It is, never ever, up to date. If you want my most recent work, the best thing to do is to gasp watch my social media. If you aren’t on it, write and ask to be put on a list that I very occasionally will write with new work. Note alas these are not proofread very well and are really me.

Feel free to make suggestions to me about my website, or my art, or to ask questions.

Tommy B. McDonell, Ph.D.

October 1, 2024